Monday 28 July 2008

Everyone's a Winner at the Cinema 50 Oscars!

Guys, it's time to celebrate - we've passed the 200 submissions milestone!!!!! Hoorah, I hear you cry. We hit 205 yesterday and I must say I'm a flutter of excitement.

But it's not just quantity that makes our baby rock -it's the outstanding quality of work that everyone's aspiring for that is steering us on a path to publication and untold glory.

So, with a grateful nod to nameless one - who read my mind and suggested we note our appreciation of someone - I felt we should honour a few outstanding contributors.

First - let's hear it for all of our wonderfully prolific writers - all producing over ten individual entries - three cheers for....

MumDrivenMad (and I bet she was) who has posted twenty reviews to date
Scouser7 (our very own Liver Bird) who has notched up an even dozen so far
HenryThomasGirl (lost her heart to a hearthrob) and made a match here with another twelve
SeaUrchin (who views glorious sunsets) who has crafted an additional eleven
...and one other - who can it be? (wait and see)

Next, a special award for our Most Meticulous Editor goes to a woman of extraordinary ideas -

Nrhatch (the legal eagle herself) who has single-handedly sailed through the project making suggestions for small and powerful improvements, offering valuable feedback to each and every one of us - and stimulated a lot of head and pen scratching with fabulous results

Finally, I hope you'll also join me in awarding our Lifetime (of the project) Achievement Award to one man, without whom the horror move industry would fall into critical decline, whose patient wife puts up with his untidy study while he endlessly chomps that fine brain food - a bag of chips - who has produced a mighty.... forty-six reviews!!! Along with relentless feeding back to boot.

Zygoncurry - (the one and only) good for you!

I'd also like to thank the patient attention of everyone, mentioned or not, who has added wit and wisdom in the form of stunning reviews and astute feedback, who collectively have worked to prepare this project for a golden future.

Congratulations to you all and let's keep up the good work!

(Fanfare, stage left, fades into a rousing chorus of 'There's no business like show business........')

Thursday 24 July 2008

We've been blogged at WEbook!

Hearty congratulations to everyone for all the fantastic work involved in writing, reading, commenting - not to mention watching hours of movies - that all went into compiling the cinema 50 project . Keep up the good work - we've passed the 150 milestone and there's still more than 2 months left to make this project super hot for publication when we cast it to the wolves for the webook vote.

If you haven't yet seen Melissa's entry on the webook blog, check it out:

Thursday 17 July 2008

All quiet on the winterjazz front...

I'm sorry to say I'm away on a business trip this weekend, so I apologise if you have any difficulties that I don't address before Monday.

I know how supportive this team of wonderful writers is and that if anyone has a problem, there are plenty of people who will offer friendly advice.

Have fun - I'll miss you!

Some classics to consider from Zygoncurry

zygoncurry said...

I wander who will be the first to tackle these " classic " films.

Anything by Monty Python.
Full Metal jacket.
A Clockwork Orange
Any Tarantino.
The Godfather trilogy
The matrix trilogy

Tuesday 15 July 2008

The question is: Why?

One important key to a great review is asking the question: why should the reader watch? 50 words isn't much but it's possible, sometimes with a bit of tweaking, to show a little of all of these:

  • how well it was made
  • who stars in it and how good they are
  • the story line (introduction and outline, but no spoilers)
  • the emotion it stirs
Combine all four and you've done it!

Sunday 13 July 2008

Giving Feedback Can Be Hard!

It's wonderful when we spot that perfect gem of a review that rolls off the tongue and stirs great feelings for a film.

But it's not so easy when we struggle with an unusual word or phrase, or some irregular grammar, or a slight overuse of mild vocabulary.

But let's remember the point of giving feedback. This project lives by participation - it is essential! It brings richness, variety and depth to a collection that may eventually prove publishable. Without great contributions, it would be nothing.

We all want to write our best work and to improve daily in our efforts to reach and reward the reader. So let's welcome direct feedback, and encourage others to speak openly and honestly about anything they find difficult or feel could be improved.

I would hate to feel that my comments, or anyone else's, on contributions were less than helpful or upsetting to anyone, because there is always something good that can be crafted into something wonderful with a little more play.

Please forgive me for being picky - and if you feel you are being criticized, please tell me - that is never my intention. If we could sit down over a notepad together, it would be so much easier - but as all we have is this, let's make the most of it and enjoy learning as much as we can from one another.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to improve on my work. Please continue!

Friday 11 July 2008

zygoncurry said...

zygoncurry said...

50 words folks remember that fact

if you cant sum up the gist of the film in half that then do what i do, re think it.

11 July 2008 15:32

Raise a new issue here.....

Simply post a comment on this post and I'll copy it for you into a new item.

Jumbling up the Order - Sorry!

From time to time I'm giving the submissions a gentle shake up to show new readers how diverse our project is and to encourage lots of participation.

So if your latest submission has been moved, sorry, it was me! But it's not been removed, I promise - that will only happen after personal discussion with the writer for special reasons.

Feedback wanted....

Can writers please keep an eye open for submissions that haven't received comments or stars?

I've tried to get to everyone's postings as quickly as possible after they appear, and I know that many of you are doing the same.

However, it would be great if you could find the time to scan through the list and check anything that is unmarked.

Also, please scan for other submissions with only one or two comments, especially if you know the film, to add your voice.

If you would like more feedback on your own submissions, please add a comment here, and let's see if we can all assist.

Welcome to the cinema-50 blog!

This site is here for all the great contributors and participants who have helped to excite interest and raise the quality of Cinema 50 on WEbook.

Check in regularly to exchange ideas, discuss progress and generally celebrate the work in progress.