Monday 28 July 2008

Everyone's a Winner at the Cinema 50 Oscars!

Guys, it's time to celebrate - we've passed the 200 submissions milestone!!!!! Hoorah, I hear you cry. We hit 205 yesterday and I must say I'm a flutter of excitement.

But it's not just quantity that makes our baby rock -it's the outstanding quality of work that everyone's aspiring for that is steering us on a path to publication and untold glory.

So, with a grateful nod to nameless one - who read my mind and suggested we note our appreciation of someone - I felt we should honour a few outstanding contributors.

First - let's hear it for all of our wonderfully prolific writers - all producing over ten individual entries - three cheers for....

MumDrivenMad (and I bet she was) who has posted twenty reviews to date
Scouser7 (our very own Liver Bird) who has notched up an even dozen so far
HenryThomasGirl (lost her heart to a hearthrob) and made a match here with another twelve
SeaUrchin (who views glorious sunsets) who has crafted an additional eleven
...and one other - who can it be? (wait and see)

Next, a special award for our Most Meticulous Editor goes to a woman of extraordinary ideas -

Nrhatch (the legal eagle herself) who has single-handedly sailed through the project making suggestions for small and powerful improvements, offering valuable feedback to each and every one of us - and stimulated a lot of head and pen scratching with fabulous results

Finally, I hope you'll also join me in awarding our Lifetime (of the project) Achievement Award to one man, without whom the horror move industry would fall into critical decline, whose patient wife puts up with his untidy study while he endlessly chomps that fine brain food - a bag of chips - who has produced a mighty.... forty-six reviews!!! Along with relentless feeding back to boot.

Zygoncurry - (the one and only) good for you!

I'd also like to thank the patient attention of everyone, mentioned or not, who has added wit and wisdom in the form of stunning reviews and astute feedback, who collectively have worked to prepare this project for a golden future.

Congratulations to you all and let's keep up the good work!

(Fanfare, stage left, fades into a rousing chorus of 'There's no business like show business........')

1 comment:

zkuddy said...

And three Wohoo's go to The Big Mama of Movie Magic: WinterJazz

Wohoo! Wohoo! Wohoo!